Full groom perfect for those who like their dogs looking extra cute in a longer (any groom longer than 1cm) or breed specific cut.
-Warm deep cleansing bath using organic shampoo catered to your dogs skin & coat needs
-Brush out & comb
-Hygiene Clip
-Clip/Haircut customized for your pet
-Ear cleaning
-Nail trimming
Prices starting from:
<10kg - $110
10-20kg - $130
20-30kg - $160
30-40kg - $180
Short clip, less than 1cm remaining on body & legs
-Warm deep cleansing bath using organic shampoo catered to your dogs skin & coat needs
-Brush out & comb
-Hygiene Clip
-Short clip, less than 1cm remaining on body & legs
-Haircut on head and tail customized for your pet
-Ear cleaning
-Nail trimming
Prices starting from:
<10kg - $95
10-20kg - $110
20-30kg - $130
30-40kg - $160
-Warm deep cleansing bath using organic shampoo catered to your dogs skin & coat needs
-Brush out & comb
-Hygiene Clip (clipping around belly, bum, feet, ears & eyes)
-Nail clipping
-Ear cleaning
Prices starting from:
<10kg - $80
10-20kg - $95
20-30kg - $120
30-40kg - $140
-Warm deep cleansing bath using organic shampoo catered to your dogs skin & coat needs
-Brush out & comb
-Nail clipping
-Ear cleaning
Prices starting from:
<10kg - $45
10-20kg - $55
20-30kg - $65
30-40kg - $75
Nail clipping under 20kg - $15
Nail clipping over 20kg - $20
Ear Cleaning - $10
Gland expression - $15
Flea shampoo - from $15
Nail Grinding under 20kg - $5
Nail Grinding over 20kg - $8
Matted coat removal 150% hourly rate
*Pricing is based on the time needed to complete each groom taking in to account weight, coat type, coat length, coat condition, behavior and style technicality. Every dog is different, and some breeds or individual dogs may require more time to groom than others. Prices may also be different from session to session for the same dog as certain factors can effect the time needed to complete the groom such as over grown coat, matting, seasonal shedding etc. This allows a groomer to charge for the actual time spent on the dog, rather than charging for a fixed time or price that may not suit certain dogs.
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